Scientific Council news

The plenary meeting of December 21st 2020 was open to all LIP members.


Slides presented at the meeting (containing in particular information on the following topics: results of recent funding calls; the new organization of LIP’s indico; informations from ECFA; Student publications and theses on Advanced Training webpage; research line strategy definition; researchers’ evaluation procedure revision; and more…)

Documentation on COMPASS++/AMBER

New public group pages

A new WordPress infrastructure is being prepared for the LIP webpages, which is able to host group/project public pages fully autonomously managed by the owners.  For the groups that already had such pages, the information will be migrated to the new system. If you are interested please contact

All LIP groups have an institutional wepage with the same format and contents within the “Research” menu. Additionally, some groups have a custom-made webpage, which can be accessed from the institutional page clicking the “Group webpage at LIP” button (check for example ATLAS or CMS in the LHC experiments and phenomenology research line; Auger in the Cosmic Rays research line or Space Rad in the Space Applications research line).

It has been a long-standing request of the groups owning such pages that they could take full control of them, being able to autonomously perform any kind of changes and updates. This issue is finally solved.

Again, If you are interested please contact

Funding opportunities

Info on open or expected calls is provided here. A dedicated webpage with more complete information on funding opportunities will soon be created on the LIP public website and linked in this newsletter.

The first ERC Calls in 2021 will be delayed due to the late adoption of the EU Budget 2021-2027 and the Horizon Europe programme. They will open as soon as possible in order to preserve the calendar for the rest of the year. Further info expected around mid-January.

Types of projects: IC&DT, up to 36 months and 250 k€; PeX, up to 18 months and 50 k€.

LIP Reports 2020/2021

It’s time to prepare LIP’s detailed and public 2020 report and plan for 2021. During January the information must be put into the LIP DB by the Group PIs. Here you can find further details on the timeline, procedure, and what are the main changes this year.

The subject was presented at the December 2020 plenary meeting of the Scientific Council (SC). The slides linked below include this year’s timeline, organization and procedures (both a summary for newcomers and highlights of the main changes) and a set of recommendations from LIP’s Advisory Board.

Associate Laboratory

The conclusion of the process is expected (very) early in 2021. By January 9th LIP must submit the written replies to the few clarification requests received from the panel after the public presentation of December 10th. For the approved LAs, there will still be a funding negotiation with FCT. Here you can find details on LIP’s application and on the timeline of the call:

Timeline and documents

28 Sep 2020 Opening of the call

29 Oct 2020 Deadline for the application submission (see LIP’s application document)

10 Dec 2020 LIP’s public presentation (see LIP’s presentation slides and video recording)

9 Jan 2021 Deadline to reply to the panel’s clarification request

Next steps Announcement of the results + Funding negotiations with FCT