FTC calls are ongoing (CEECs and PTDC). ERC was delayed but should be about to start. Latest predictions for the starting grant: from about NOW to April 8, to be confirmed…
The Starting Grant call should open any day now: on 22 Feb it was scheduled to open on 25 Feb (it didn’t) and close on 8 April. The Consolidator Grant call should open on 11 March 2021. The advice is: “We expect considerable continuity compared to previous calls, so we encourage applicants to prepare their proposals”.
- Institutional Call to Scientific Employment Stimulus, 2nd Edition 17-02-2021 to 16-04-2021
- FCT PTDC 2021 28-01-2021 to 10-03-2021.
Info on open or expected calls is provided here. A dedicated webpage with more complete information on funding opportunities will soon be created on the LIP public website and linked in this newsletter.