LIP-News Bulletin #17

In this issue (mostly in Portuguese, this time) we highlight two themes that are important for Portugal and for science in Portugal, far beyond particle physics. The first is the project to create a proton therapy center in Portugal, with treatment and research facilities. The association ProtoTera, of which LIP is a member, was created in the end of 2019 and will carry out the necessary studies and developments in the coming years. The other major theme is the approval by the CERN Council of the revision of the European Strategy for Particle Physics, which has been discussed in the community over the past two years, and which is fundamental for guaranteeing CERN’s future and Europe’s role in science and innovation throughout almost the entire 21st century.

A space dedicated to the pandemic situation follows. Firstly, the initiatives with the aim of helping in this fight that arose within the LIP community, especially in Coimbra. Then, several aspects of how we lived this troubled period at LIP, which somehow had to be present in this issue. But particle physics did not stop. All summer conferences took place online, with the usual avalanche of new results and, in many cases, more participants than possible in face-to-face editions. The article “HEP circa 2020” gives us a quite detailed summary of the state of affairs. The rest of the Bulletin is devoted to advanced training and dissemination, always very important to us, and also to what has been happening at LIP: news from the groups and collaborations, new research groups, new collaborators, defended theses. We try to catch up, and some things were left out already waiting for the next issue, in this which is the longest LIP-news Bulletin ever.

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CERN: for a better world

The impact of CERN is known to reach far beyond particle physics or fundamental science. Two 2020 examples are the recently announced new open data policy and CERN’s Environmental Report, publicly released for the first time this year:

  • CERN announced a new open data policy, in line with the open science principles which aims to make scientific research more reproducible, accessible, and collaborative.

Read more in the LIP website news

  • CERN’s first public Environment Report has been released. It covers 2017-2018 and details the status of CERN’s environmental footprint, along with objectives and projects for the coming years.

Read more in the LIP website news 

LIP in the EuroCC project

In September 2020 began one of the most emblematic European projects in the area of high performance computing, EuroCC, in which LIP is involved

This project, in articulation with the Castiel project, aims to establish a network of national competencies in the fields of advanced computing and artificial intelligence in order to make these technologies accessible to a wider range of users from industry, research, public administration and society at large.

The projects EuroCC and Castiel, with a budget of around 60 million euros, will allow for the creation of 33 competence centers spread across Europe. EuroCC counts on the participation of six national institutions, including LIP that is in charge of the dissemination area. National coordination is a responsibility of FCT.


proposal for the participation of LIP in the future COMPASS++/AMBER collaboration has been presented by the LIP COMPASS group and approved by the LIP Scientific Council. 

The LIP group in COMPASS is deeply involved in the AMBER project since its beginning. COMPASS analyses led by group members serve as input to the AMBER studies. The group will continue its COMPASS analyses until the end, and progressively increase its participation in AMBER.

Useful links:

Proposal and slides presented to the LIP CC