
Space Radiation Environment & Effects

  • A source of source of very energetic oxygen located in Jupiter’s inner radiation belts
    Author(s):  E. Roussos, C. Cohen, P. Kollmann, M. Pinto, N. Krupp, P. Gonçalves et al.
    Reference:  Space Advances, Vol 8, Issue 2

  • Validation of dMEREM, the Detailed Mars Energetic Radiation Environment Model, with RAD Data from the Surface of Mars
    Author(s):  P. Gonçalves, L. Arruda, M. Pinto
    Reference:  Front. Astron. Space Sci. 9 (2022) 833144

  • Pioneering evaluation of GaN transistors in geostationary satellites
    Author(s):  Hugo Mostardinha, Diogo Matos, Nuno Borges Carvalho, Jorge Sampaio, Marco Pinto, Patricia Gonçalves et al.
    Reference:  Sci Rep 12, 12886, 2022
  • The BepiColombo Environment Radiation Monitor, BERM
    Author(s):  Marco Pinto, Beatriz Sanchez-Cano, Richard Moissl, Johannes Benkhoff, Carlota Cardoso, Patrícia Gonçalves, Pedro Assis, Rami Vainio, Philipp Oleynik, Arto Lehtolainen, Manuel Grande & Arlindo Marques
    Reference:  Space Sci. Rev. 218 (2022) 54
  • CTTB Memory Test Board Single Event Effect Geostationary In-flight Data Analysis
    Author(s):  M. Pinto, L. Arruda, P. Gonçalves, J. Sampaio et al.
    Reference:  Submitted to  IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science

  • The RADiation hard Electron Monitor (RADEM) for the JUICE mission
    Author(s): M. Pinto, P. Gonçalves et al.
    Reference:  Proceedings Europlanet Science Congress 2020, online, 21 September–9 Oct 2020, EPSC2020-311, 2020

  • The in-situ exploration of Jupiter’s radiation belts: A White Paper submitted in response to ESA’s Voyage 2050 Call
    Author(s): Elias Roussos et al.

  • Dose Measurements and Simulations of the RADFETs Response Onboard the Alphasat CTTB Experiments
    Author(s): J. M. Sampaio, M. Pinto, P. Gonçalves et al.
    Reference:  IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, vol. 67, no. 9, pp. 2028-2033, Sept. 2020
  • Beam tests of a prototype of the Radiation Hard Electron Monitor to be flown in the JUICE mission
    Author(s): M. Pinto, P. Gonçalves, P. Socha, W. Hadjas
    Reference:  Journal of Instrumentation, Volume 15, June 2020 IPRD19

  • Beam test results of the RADEM Engineering Model
    Author(s): M.Pinto, P. Gonçalves, P. Socha, W. Hajdas, A. Marques, J.Costa Pinto
    Reference:  Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 3 Oct 2019,

  • Dose measurements and simulations of the RADFETs response onboard the ALPHASAT CTTB experiments
    Author(s):  J. Sampaio, P. Gonçalves, M. Pinto, J. Silva, V. Negîrneac, L. Sintra, J. Pinto, T. Sousa, P. Ribeiro, C. Poivey
    Reference:   Proceeedings of the RADECS 2019, 16th-20th September 2019 Montpellier (to be published in IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science). 

  • GUIMesh: A tool to import STEP geometries into Geant4 via GDML
    Author(s):  M.Pinto, P. Gonçalves
    Reference:  Computer Physics Communications, Vol. 239, June 2019,c pp. 150-156
  • Radiation Analysis and Shielding Optimization of RADEM, a Radiation Hard Electron Monitor for the JUICE Mission
    Author(s):  M. Pinto, P. Gonçalves, A Marques, J. Costa Pinto, W. Hajdas
    Reference:  IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, Volume: 66 , Issue: 7 , July 2019, pp.1770-1777, DOI: 10.1109/TNS.2019.2900398 

  • Electrons in GEO measured with the ESA Multi-Functional Spectrometer during the January 2014 SEP
    Author(s):  L. Arruda, P. Gonçalves, A. Marques, J. Costa-Pinto, A. Aguilar, P. Marinho, T. Sousa, H. Evans, P. Nieminen
    Reference:  IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, Volume: 65 , Issue: 8 , July 2019, pp. 1540 – 1545, DOI: 10.1109/TNS.2018.2854161
  • SEP Electrons in GEO measured with ESA Multi Functional Spectrometer
  • Representativeness of 60Co testing for EEE components to be flown in JUICE
    Author(s):  M. Pinto, P. Assis, M. Ferreira, P. Gonçalves, M. Muschitiello, and C. Poivey
    Reference:  2017 IEEE Radiation Effects Data Workshop (REDW), NSREC, New Orleans, USA, 17th-21nd July 2017. DOI10.1109/NSREC.2017.8115475 

  • Assessment of radiation exposure in manned missions to Mars for three mission profiles
    Author(s):  A. L. Casimiro, J. M. Sampaio, P. Gonçalves, M. Pinto
    Reference:  Radiation and Applications Journal (RAD Journal), RAD 2017, Budva, Montenegro, 12-16 June 2017

  • SEP Protons in GEO with ESA MultiFunctional Spectrometer
    Author(s):  L. Arruda, P. Gonçalves, I. Sandberg, A. Marques, J. Costa-Pinto, A. Aguilar, P. Marinho, T. Sousa, A. Menicucci, P. Nieminen
    Reference:  IEEE TNS Vol99, 9th June 17 DOI:10.1109/TNS.2017.2714461 

  • SEP Protons in GEO measured with ESA MultiFunctioonal Spectrometer
    Author(s):  L. Arruda, P. Gonçalves, I. Sandberg, A. Marques, J. Costa-Pinto, A. Aguilar, P. Marinho, T. Sousa, A. Menicucci, P. Nieminen
    Reference:  RADECS 2016 proceedings, Bremen, Germany, September 2016

  • Dose calculations from RADFETS response onboard the ALPHASAT CTTB experiment
    Author(s):  A. Marques, P. Ribeiro, S. Sobreiro, R. Martins, M. Muschitiello, and C. Povey
    Reference:  RADECS 2016 proceedings, Bremen, Germany, September 2016
  • Bread-Board Testing of the Radiation Hard Electron Monitor (RADEM) being developed for the ESA JUICE Mission
    Author(s):  Alankrita Mrigakshi, Wojtek Hajdas, Radoslaw Marcinkowski, Hualin Xiao, Patricia Gonçalves, Marco Pinto, Costa Pinto, Arlindo Marques, and Dirk Meier
    Reference:  Proceedings of EGU General Assembly 2016, Vol. 18, EGU2016-13998-2, 2016

  • SEP Protons in GEO with the ESA Multifunctional Spectrometer
    Author(s):  L. Arruda, P. Goncalves, I. Sandberg, A. Marques, J. Costa-Pinto, A. Aguilar, P. Marinho, T. Sousa, A. Menicucci, P. Nieminen
    Reference:  PoS (ICRC2015) 137, Proceedings of Science, SISSA, for the the 34th International Cosmic Ray Conference, 30 July- 6 August, 2015 The Hague, The Netherlands, August 2015
  • The low energy magnetic spectrometer on Ulysses and ACE response to near relativistic protons
    Author(s):  B. Morgado, D. Maia, L. Lanzerotti, P. Gonçalves, J. D. Patterson
    Reference:  Astronomy and Astrophysics 577, May 2015, 05/2015; DOI:10.1051/0004-6361

  • Modeling the response of the ESAPMOS4 RADFETs for the ALPHASAT CTTB experiment 
    Author(s): P. Gonçalves, A. Keating, A. Trindade, P. Rodrigues, M. Ferreira, P. Assis, M. Muschitiello, B. Nickson, C. Poivey
    Reference: IEEE – Trans. Nucl. Sci., Volume:61 , Issue: 3, pp 1439, June 2014

  • Modeling the effects of low-LET cosmic rays on electronic components 
    Author(s): A. Keating, P. Gonçalves, M. Pimenta, et al.,
    Reference: Radiation and Environmental Biophysics Volume: 51 Issue: 3 Pages: 245-254, August 2012 

  • The impact of Mars geological evolution in high energy ionizing radiation environment through time
    Author(s): A. Keating, P. Gonçalves
    Reference: Planetary and Space Science Volume: 72 Issue: 1 Pages: 70-77, 2012

  • Lunar Radiation Environment 
    Author(s): P. Gonçalves, A. Keating
    Reference: European Lunar Symposium, Gonçalves P. , Keating A., (2012), Abstract Volume, pp. 50, April 2012 
  • Characterization of RADFET Dosimeters for the ESA ALPHASAT CTTB Experiments 
    Author(s): P. Gonçalves, A. Keating et al.
    Reference: RADECS IEEE Proceedings 2012

  • Overview of energetic particle hazards during prospective manned missions to Mars
    Author(s): Susan McKenna-Lawlor, P. Gonçalves, A. Keating, G. Reitz and D. Matthia
    Reference: Planetary and Space Science, Volumes 63.64, April 2012, Pages 123-132
    doi: 10.1016/j.pss.2011.06.017

  • Characterization of the particle radiation environment at three potential landing sites on Mars using ESA’s MEREM models
    Author(s): S. McKenna-Lawlor, P. Gonçalves, A. Keating, B. Morgado, D. Heynderickx, P. Nieminen, G. Santin, P. Truscott, F. Lei, B. Foing and J. Balaz
    Reference: Icarus, Volume 218, Issue 1, March 2012, Pages 723-734

  • Validation of the component degradation simulation tool (CODES)
    Author(s): A. Keating, P. Gonçalves, A.Zadeh, M.Pimenta, S. Coutinho, P.Brogueira, E.Daly
    Reference: Proceedings of IEEE RADECS 2011, Sevilla.

  • MarsREM: The Mars Energetic Radiation Environment Models
    Author(s): Patrícia Gonçalves,Ana Keating, Sara Valente, Pete Truscott, Fan Lei, Laurent Desorgher, Daniel Heynderickx, Norma Crosby, Hilde de Witt, Gerald Degreef, Petteri Nieminen and Giovanni Santin
    Reference: 31st International Cosmic Ray Conference, July 2009, Lodz, Poland

  • The Mars Energetic Radiation Environment Models
    Author(s): P.Truscott, F.Lei, A.Keating, S.Valente, P.Gonçalves, L.Desorgher, D.Heynderickx, N.Crosby, Witte, G.Degreef, P.Nieminen & G.Santin
    Reference: Proceedings of IEEE NSREC 2008, Tucson, Arizona.

  • A Model for Mars Radiation Environment Characterization 
    Author(s): A. Keating et al.
    Reference: IEEE Trans. Nuclear Science Vol. 52 (2005) 0018-9499

  • GEANT4 Applications for Astroparticle Experiments
    Author(s): M. Espírito Santo, P. Gonçalves, M. Pimenta, P. Rodrigues, B. Tomé and A. Trindade
    Reference: IEEE Trans. Nuclear Science Vol. 51 (2004) 1373