Yearly master presentations

The following short videos were submitted by master students of the Pheno group as part of the course “Projecto MEFT” (PMEFT) within the Master’s Programme in Engineering Physics (MEFT). The goal of this exercise is to describe the topic of the student’s thesis in a succinct and entertaining way.

Jets in Collision Physics

Submitted by Nuno Olavo Madureira.

Sensitivity of Jet Substructure Observables to Jet Quenching in Collisions of Light Nuclei

Submitted by Manuel Gonçalo Oliveira Mariano.

Jet Quenching in Small Systems

Submitted by Bruno Silva.

On the Topic of Heavy Ion Jets???

Submitted by João Pedro De Arruda Gonçalves.

Glasma Role in Jet Quenching Effects

Submitted by José Soares Trindade Nunes dos Santos.

Improving the vacuum baseline for in medium jet physics studies

Submitted by Diogo José Brito da Costa.