A significant volume of experimental data on jet observables has been accumulated through extensive analyses of heavy-ion collision experiments in the last decades. On the theoretical front, there have been comprehensive discussions regarding the jet structures and QGP medium effects on them, involving new proposals for additional possible observables guided by these experimental findings. Now a key challenge is to establish a coherent understanding of various observables across different momentum ranges and collision energies and systems, which is essential for deepening our insights into the dynamical jet-QGP interactions.
This workshop (satellite workshop of Hard Probes 2024) will take place at the University of Tokyo, from the 28th to the 29th of September 2024. Its main goal is to capturing a full picture of jet phenomena and related observables from theoretical and experimental perspectives. It is intended to identify the most pressing issues broadly significant in dynamical jet-induced phenomena at this time and to provide a pathway to understanding core mechanisms, which will make the next step towards comprehending the jet properties and the QGP medium.
Registration deadline: Jul 15th, 2024. Abstract submission deadline: July 1st, 2024.
INDICO page: https://indico.cern.ch/event/1403965/