Afonso Guerreiro, a Physics Master’s student at IST and a member of the Phenomenology Group at LIP, successfully defended his master’s thesis on Tuesday, December 3rd. The thesis, titled “In-medium Gluon Radiation in General Kinematics,” was supervised by Guilherme Milhano (LIP/IST). The defense jury included Mário Pimenta (LIP/IST, President), Liliana Apolinário (LIP/IST, Opponent), and Konrad Tywoniuk (Bergen University, Opponent).
Afonso’s research advanced the theoretical understanding of medium-induced gluon radiation, a key phenomenon in the study of the Quark-Gluon Plasma formed in heavy-ion collisions. Building on the BDMPS-Z formalism, his work extended previous results by deriving a generalized expression for the gluon emission spectrum without relying on commonly used approximations. This comprehensive approach not only verified established results in limiting cases but also introduced a computational routine to solve the resulting integro-differential equations.
Congratulations to Afonso for this achievement and his valuable contribution to theoretical QCD and heavy-ion physics!