This workshop aims to bring together several communities studying the dynamics of jets in Heavy Ion Collision experiments, the response of the matter to these probes, and the matter evolution itself. These communities study different but highly entangled subjects and would benefit from the combined developments and new opportunities to utilize the available tomographic tools jointly. The main goals of the workshop are to review and analyze the recent experimental and theoretical results, discuss the short term needs of each sub-field to be prioritized in the near future, and facilitate the cross-talk between them.
The main questions to be addressed in this workshop are the following:
- Could we utilize the existing theories of probe-matter interactions to access the real-time matter evolution and its differential properties?
- Can we provide a self-consistent description for the hard probes in QCD matter produced in HIC during all the stages of its evolution?
- Which novel measurements would be needed to extract the information about the evolution of the underlying nuclear matter?
- What is the current status of the tomographic toolkit for different hard probes on the experimental side?
- Can the new developments in jet quenching and initial stages physics help understand the evolution of jets in smaller systems?
The workshop will take place in Trento (Italy) between the 12th and the 16th of February, 2024. Applications will be open until the 19th of January.
INDICO page: https://indico.ectstar.eu/event/198/
The Pheno group is involved in the organization of this event. In addition, several of our members (André Cordeiro, Guilherme Milhano, João Gonçalves, João Silva, Nuno Olavo and Pablo Guerrero) will attend and deliver talks.