Energy-energy correlators (EECs) are powerful tools for collider QCD. They simultaneously enable precision measurements of complex collider phenomena whilst retaining strong links with highly developed techniques from conformal field theory and light-ray operator product expansions. The last decade has seen substantial growth in the field of EECs and the deep connections among conformal theories, jet substructure, heavy-ion physics and analytic QCD have just started to be explored. The goal of this workshop is to enable researchers across these different fields to meet and elaborate concrete strategies to fully exploit the potential of the EEC framework for collider phenomenology.
Some keys areas of focus include:
- Identifying new/unique phenomenological applications
- Developing techniques for computations of energy correlators in QCD
- Extending the links between EECs in conformal theories and EECs in QCD.
- Finding synergy between jet physics and heavy-ion physics within the EEC framework.
- Identifying how recent EEC developments can feedback into broader collider phenomenology and Monte Carlo generators.
The workshop will take place in Mainz (Germany), at the Mainz Institute for Theoretical Physics (MITP), between the 8th and the 19th of July, 2024. Applications will be open until the 11th of March.
INDICO page: https://indico.mitp.uni-mainz.de/event/358/
Our group is directly involved as part of the organizing committee of this event.