Much of the theoretical uncertainty in realistic QCD calculations comes from the inaccurate model description of non-perturbative (np) effects in the low energy regime. These np effects present themselves in lepton-lepton, lepton-hadron and hadron-hadron collisions, with substantial overlap in their phase space along with a distinct set of contributions for each system. Manifestation of the np effects exists in the initial state of the parton/nucleon distributions and also persists in the final state via target fragmentation and hadronization.
The goal of this workshop (the second in the series) is to aggregate current knowledge related to np effects across systems in order to brainstorm novel measurements at the EIC to investigate the fundamental transition from p-np QCD, utilizing collinear energy flows of jets, heavy flavor (HF) hadrons and target fragments. This workshop brings together theorists and experimentalists towards envisioning a collective framework, conceptually and via observables, that are aimed at understanding np QCD.
The scientific program of this 4-day workshop is focused on Jet substructure, Heavy-Flavor, Initial State & Spin Physics and EIC Prospects. This event may be attended in person, or virtually using Zoom, from the 6th to the 9th of November.
The Pheno group is involved in the organization of this event. Link to INDICO page: https://indico.cfnssbu.physics.sunysb.edu/event/110/