ISMD 2024 will be held from September 23 to 27, 2024, in Malargüe, Argentina. This event will bring together physicists from across particle, nuclear, and astrophysics for talks and discussions focused on all aspects and consequences of the strong nuclear force, as well as its complex final states. In order to encourage cross-talk between areas, all presentations at ISMD will be programmed in plenary sessions, organized into the following scientific tracks:
• Cosmic ray and astroparticle physics
• Multiparticle correlations and fluctuations
• Forward physics: Diffraction, Odderon and Pomeron
• Hadronic final states in high pT interactions
• Collectivity in high energy collisions: jets, flows, and other mechanisms
• Proton structure, small-x and large-x physics
• Hadronic issues in heavy-flavour physics
• Beyond Standard Model Physics and new developments in HEP
Registration deadline: Aug 30th, 2024. Abstract submission deadline: July 15th, 2024.
INDICO page: https://indico.cern.ch/event/1371434/