The JETSCAPE online school will be held from July 17, 2023 to July 28, 2023. The school will be held online on zoom so that it is accessible to participants from around the globe. The school will meet for several hours each day from 9AM-noon US Eastern Time, which is suitable for the majority of participants.
The school is aimed at graduate students and postdocs, in both theory and experiment. The focus will be on the implementation of jet quenching and hydrodynamic calculations in the JETSCAPE event generator framework, and its application to experimental data analysis. Emphasis will also be placed on the rigorous comparison between simulations and experimental data using Bayesian methods. The school will consist of lectures on theoretical and experimental aspects of relativistic hydrodynamics and jet quenching, together with extensive hands-on practical sessions working with the JETSCAPE code and Bayesian analysis methods.
Attendance at the school is by application, and the number of attendees will be limited. Please forward this message to students and postdocs in your group who may not have received this.
The registration for the school is now open. The deadline for registration is July 10, 2023.
INDICO page: https://indico.cern.ch/event/1282714/
One of our researchers, Liliana Apolinário, will contribute with a lecture on “Monte Carlo methods for parton energy loss in heavy-ion collisions”.