The Pheno group team members are based at Lisbon, Minho and Coimbra.

We also have close international collaborations with main institutes across several countries. Among them, CERN (Switzerland), Oxford and Durham Universities (UK), École Polytechnique and Saclay (France), Rome University and INFN/Turin (Italy), Max Planck Institute (Germany), Santiago de Compostela, Granada, Madrid and Barcelona Universities (Spain) and MIT and Vanderbilt University (USA).

Previous TEAM Members
Summer interns
Name | Year | Institution | Presentation | Report |
Jay Nesbitt | 2023 | University of Manchester | Link | Deciphering Jet Quenching Effects with Novel Analysis Tools |
Hugo da Rocha Amaral | 2023 | Universidade de Aveiro | Link | Obtaining high-precision predictions for jet production at the LHC in perturbative QCD |
André Alves | 2023 | Universidade de Lisboa | Link | Obtaining high-precision predictions for top-pair production at the LHC in perturbative QCD |
Sebastiao Fonseca | 2023 | Instituto Superior Técnico | Link | Studying Higgs production at the LHC and at future colliders |
MsC students
Name | Year | Thesis | Current workplace |
Lénea Silva Luís | 2023 | Deciphering jet quenching effects through a quantile ratio | — |
Manuel Gonçalo Oliveira Mariano | 2022 | Sensitivity of jet sub-structure observables to jet quenching in collisions of light nuclei | Math department at Aveiro University |
Nuno Olavo Gonçalves Mendes Madureira | 2022 | Jet substructure tools to identify hadronization timescales | Pursuing PhD at LIP |
Francisco Alves Barreiro | 2022 | Geometrical aspects of jet quenching in small systems | Moved to industry |
João Diogo Mesquita Lopes | 2022 | Looking for coherence effects in the Quark-Gluon Plasma | Moved to industry |
André Carvalho Martins Barreta Cordeiro | 2021 | Towards time ordered parton showers | Pursuing PhD at LIP |
João Miguel Martins da Silva | 2021 | Space-time structure of QCD jets | Pursuing PhD at LIP |
João Pedro de Arruda Gonçalves | 2019 | Classifying Heavy Ion Jets | Pursuing PhD at LIP |
Bruno Miguel Tavares Lopes da Silva | 2019 | Jet Quenching in Small Systems | Moved to industry |
PhD students
Name | Years | Thesis | Current workplace |
Maria Ramos | 2017-2022 | Interplay between collider and astrophysical signals of non-minimal composite Higgs models | IFT (Madrid, Spain) |
Guilherme Guedes | 2018-2022 | Collider and astrophysical constraints to little Higgs models | DESY (Germany) |
Name | Years | Current workplace |
Carlota Andrés | 2020-2021 | Ecole Polytechnique, CPHT (Paris, France) |
Name | Years | Current workplace |
Korinna Zapp | 2016-2018 | Lund University (Sweden) – Permanent |