What is phenomenology?
Phenomenology is a branch of science (typically applied to particle physics) that deals with the interaction between theory and experiment. In a diagrammatic language:

Through phenomenological studies, theories are confronted with experimental data, and as a result, they are systematically improved, modified, or even discarded altogether. In a reciprocal way, phenomenology helps in determining which are the most effective experimental tests for our theoretical models.
Who are we?
The Phenomenology Group at the Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas (LIP) focuses its efforts on two of the most active and enthralling fields of particle physics: Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) and physics Beyond the Standard Model (BSM). This includes — but is not limited to — Heavy Ion Collisions, Forward Physics, and perturbative QCD corrections.
The activities of the group are distributed over three nodes located in Lisboa, Coimbra and Minho. However, its large international presence spans more than 10 countries through multiple active scientific collaborations involving main institutes such as CERN (Switzerland), Oxford and Durham Universities (UK), École Polytechnique and Saclay (France), Rome University and INFN/Turin (Italy), Max Planck Institute (Germany), Santiago de Compostela, Granada, Madrid and Barcelona Universities (Spain) and MIT and Vanderbilt University (USA). Find out more!