ICHEP is a series of international conferences organized by the C11 commission of the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP). At ICHEP, physicists from around the world gather to discuss plans for major future facilities and share the latest advancements in particle physics, astrophysics/cosmology, and accelerator science.
The 42nd edition of this conference will take place in Prague on July 18-24, 2024. The registration process is open and the deadline for abstract submission has been extended to February 29, 2024. To submit abstracts, please visit: https://indico.cern.ch/event/1291157/abstracts.
The conference program covers all aspects of High Energy Physics and consists of plenary lectures, multiple parallel sessions and a poster event; more details are provided at https://indico.cern.ch/event/1291157/program.
One of our researchers, Liliana Apolinário, will act as chairperson for the heavy ion session of this conference.