Last week marked a significant achievement for Guilherme Calé, a student at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon and member of the Pheno group at LIP. Guilherme successfully defended his master thesis, titled “Particle-Particle and Jet-Jet Angular Correlations at the Parton Level”.
Guilherme’s research, guided by supervisors Grigorios Chachamis and João Pires, was an in-depth exploration of partonic correlations and their manifestation at parton jet level. The study was based on simulations of high-energy collisions for multiple systems (proton-proton, proton-nucleus and nucleus-nucleus), whose angular correlations were analyzed and compared for two Monte Carlo codes (Pythia and BFKLex). In all of the examined cases, no connection was found between the high-energy QCD dynamics considered (i.e. BFKL evolution) and the enigmatic near-side, long-range correlations observed in data.
The jury for the thesis defense comprised Margarida Cruz (president), Liliana Apolinário (main arguer), and Grigorios Chachamis (as the supervisor representative).
Congratulations to Guilherme!