From Hadronic Structure to Heavy-Ion Collisions

This summer school will take place from June 9th to June 15th at the IJCLab in Orsay, close to the city of Paris (France). The school welcomes all PhD students and young postdocs in the fields of QCD, hadron and/or heavy-ion physics, both experimentalists and theorists. The scientific program of this school will provide the participants with the tools to navigate from the multidimensional structure of the nucleon (quantum chromodynamics, modifications in nuclei and parton saturation) to the properties and influence of the hot and dense QCD medium created in heavy-ion collisions (HIC). The formation of the quark-gluon plasma (QGP), its thermodynamic properties and the phase transition to hadronic matter will be discussed. The origin and observation of collective effects will also be discussed. Attention will be paid to the interplay between theory, phenomenology and experiment, and interdisciplinary links to nuclear structure physics. 

Internationally recognized researchers will give introductory lectures on hydrodynamics, nucleon and nuclear structure, probes of the QGP such as jets and heavy flavors both from theory and experiment, the simulation of HIC via event generators, the modification of hadrons in the medium and the initial state of a HIC.

The deadline for application is April 30th 2024.

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One of our researchers (Carlota Andres) was invited to deliver lectures on jet quenching.

Energy Correlators at the Collider Frontier

Energy-energy correlators (EECs) are powerful tools for collider QCD. They simultaneously enable precision measurements of complex collider phenomena whilst retaining strong links with highly developed techniques from conformal field theory and light-ray operator product expansions. The last decade has seen substantial growth in the field of EECs and the deep connections among conformal theories, jet substructure, heavy-ion physics and analytic QCD have just started to be explored. The goal of this workshop is to enable researchers across these different fields to meet and elaborate concrete strategies to fully exploit the potential of the EEC framework for collider phenomenology.

Some keys areas of focus include:

  • Identifying new/unique phenomenological applications
  • Developing techniques for computations of energy correlators in QCD
  • Extending the links between EECs in conformal theories and EECs in QCD.
  • Finding synergy between jet physics and heavy-ion physics within the EEC framework.
  • Identifying how recent EEC developments can feedback into broader collider phenomenology and Monte Carlo generators.

The workshop will take place in Mainz (Germany), at the Mainz Institute for Theoretical Physics (MITP), between the 8th and the 19th of July, 2024. Applications will be open until the 11th of March.

INDICO page:

Our group is directly involved as part of the organizing committee of this event.

42nd International Conference on High Energy Physics (ICHEP2024)

ICHEP is a series of international conferences organized by the C11 commission of the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP). At ICHEP, physicists from around the world gather to discuss plans for major future facilities and share the latest advancements in particle physics, astrophysics/cosmology, and accelerator science.

The 42nd edition of this conference will take place in Prague on July 18-24, 2024. The registration process is open and the deadline for abstract submission has been extended to February 29, 2024. To submit abstracts, please visit:

The conference program covers all aspects of High Energy Physics and consists of plenary lectures, multiple parallel sessions and a poster event; more details are provided at

One of our researchers, Liliana Apolinário, will act as chairperson for the heavy ion session of this conference.

Boosted Object Phenomenology, Reconstruction, Measurements and Searches at Colliders (BOOST 2024)

BOOST 2024 is the 16th conference of a series of successful joint theory/experiment workshops that bring together the world’s leading experts from theory and LHC/RHIC experiments to discuss the latest progress and develop new approaches on the reconstruction of and use of jet substructure to study Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) and look for physics beyond the Standard Model.

This year’s edition is jointly organised by Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Genova, and Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) – Sezione di Genova. The conference will cover the following topics:

  • Searches for new particles (phenomenology and experiment)
  • QCD calculations and measurements in vacuum or in medium from any collision system
  • Jet reconstruction and calibration
  • Other aspects of hadronic final state reconstruction, such as pileup mitigation
  • New observables and techniques, including machine learning
  • Studies related to future colliders

This workshop will be held in Genova (Italy) from 29th July to 2nd August 2024. Registration and Abstract submission (for talks and posters) are now open at

Information about travel, accommodation and things to do in Genova can be found on the conference website. Early booking is recommended, as July – August is high season and Liguria is a very popular tourist destination.

QCD Master Class 2024

The QCD Master Class 2024 will take place on June 23-July 6, 2024 in Saint-Jacut-de-la-Mer, a small village in Brittany (west of France) close to the city of Saint-Malo and the world famous Mont Saint-Michel. Five lectures in QCD, of approximately 10 hours each, will be given to 35 young researchers and faculty staff members. The lectures will cover three different topics each week, from Monday to Friday. The week-end in between the two weeks is left free (a visit to the Mont Saint-Michel will be scheduled).

Interested candidates should apply via the pre-registration form given here. Deadline for application is fixed to March 15, 2024. The candidates are expected to apply for the complete duration of the school, with preferably arrival on June 23 (afternoon) and departure on July 6 (morning). The selected 35 participants will be contacted in order to process with the payment of the fee to confirm final registration.

The registration fee is fixed to 850 euros and includes the full board accommodation from June 23 (evening) to July 6 (morning) as well as a round-trip bus ticket from Saint-Jacut to Mont Saint-Michel.

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