The Rencontres de Moriond, created by Jean Tran Thanh Van in 1966, is a gathering of physicists for in-depth discussions in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere. The upcoming session, focused on QCD and high energy interactions, will be held in La Thuile, a winter sports resort in the Italian Alps. The meeting aims to foster collaboration between experimentalists and theorists in a beautiful setting.
The main topics include:
- Searches for New Physics
- SPhenomenology of Physics Beyond the Standard Model
- Production and Properties of the Higgs Boson
- Properties of the Top quark
- Production and decay of b and c quarks
- CP Violation
- High pT QCD physics
- Heavy Ion collisions
- Recent developments in QCD
- New theoretical developments in particle physics
The detailed program of the meeting will be established according to the latest experimental and theoretical results at the time of the meeting. Participants who wish to present new results are requested to send an abstract of their proposed presentation to one member of the program committee as soon as possible. Due to limitation of time, only a restricted number of talks can be accepted.
Both calls for registration and abstracts are open. Registration deadline: January 31, 2024. Abstract submission deadline: January 14, 2024.
For more information, see https://moriond.in2p3.fr/2024/QCD/