Hey! Good to see you here, so you’re a student and intend on exploring the areas of nuclear reactions, instrumentation, nuclear astrophysics, medical physics and simulation! On this page you can explore the research opportunities we have for bachelor (BsC), master (MsC) and doctor (PhD) levels. You can also find information regarding internships and feedback on the experiences of students from the past.
Research opportunities
The possibilities for research are vast, and the following opportunities can be used for BsC, MsC or PhD projects. In NUC-RIA we understand that constant learning and experimenting are the fundamental pillars for scientific success. You can work in a team-first environment where weekly meetings and monthly presentations are routine to ensure group integration and participation.
The following opportunities are based on experiments or theoretical work done by the group.
If you’re interested, send an e-mail to nucria@lip.pt, with a brief paragraph talking about you, your CV and why you’re interested in topic.

CTN Campus Tecnológico e Nuclear is a research facility in Lisbon, Portugal.
“CTN has the mission of (…) promoting scientific research and technological development, especially in the fields of nuclear sciences and techniques, radiological protection and safety”

GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research is situated in Darmstadt, Germany.
“Main fields of study include plasma physics, atomic physics, nuclear structure and reactions research, biophysics and medical research”

ISOLDE Isotope Separator On Line DEvice is part of CERN and is situated Franco-Swiss border.
“ISOLDE benefits of applications covering nuclear, atomic, molecular, solid-state physics, biophysics and astrophysics.”

LNS Laboratori Nazionali del Sud is situated in Catania, Italy.
“The activities of the LNS are (…) research in the fields of Nuclear Physics, Nuclear and Particle Astrophysics, but also towards applied research, such as Accelerator Physics, Plasma Physics, Nuclear Physics”

CNA Centro Nacional de Aceleradores is situated in Seville, Spain.
“CNA (…) is dedicated to interdisciplinary research (…) covers fields as diverse as material sciences, environmental impact, nuclear and particle physics, nuclear instrumentation, medical imaging, biomedical research (…)”
LIP Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física de Partículas is a research facility present in several portuguese cities.
“Researchers at LIP (…) develop new instruments and methods which have applications in (…) health care technologies, space exploration and information technology.”
During the summer, LIP offers an internship program for Physics and Engineering students.

GSI-FAIR and HGS-HIRe organise an International Summer Student Program which is offered to a limited number of students in physics or related natural science disciplines from Europe or GSI-FAIR partner countries.

During the summer months, CERN offers not just the opportunity to get involved in some of the world’s biggest experiments, but also to participate in the day-to-day work of multicultural teams.

The ESA-FAIR Space Radiation School 2023 has been established to train students in basic heavy ion biophysics for terrestrial and space applications. The internships will contribute to research and development in biomedical and biophysical applications of heavy ions.