The NUClear Reactions, Instrumentation and Astrophysics group was created back in 2016 as part of the Structure of Matter research line of LIP at the time that Daniel Galaviz joined LIP. The group at that time only had Daniel as PI and three PhD candidates.
The acronym was chosen based on the three working lines that Daniel intended to develop within the research group. These days, these lines have been much more firmly established, and have even reach beyond the acronym, creating a research group with (as of 2023) 5 PhD holders, 5 PhD candidates, and several candidates for Master of Science in Physics, Engineering Physics and Biophysics & Biomedical Engineering.
The study of Nuclear Reactions at fundamental level remains the core research topic of the group, with main participation in European research infrastructures devoted to the study of nuclear reactions using exotic and stable nuclei. Nuclear Astrophysics links both reactions and fundamental atomic physics to the modeling of the production of isotopes in cataclysms in the Universe (like Neutron Start mergers or Supernovae). Nuclear Instrumentation is expanded through the production of thin targets for nuclear reaction experiments. Beyond the acronym, the study of the impact of radiations on the treatment of neuro-degenerative diseases is the core business of the Radiations and Biology part of the group.
If any of these topics caught your attention, do not hesitate to contact us!